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Cambridgeshire - Children / Young Peoples Services
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Thinking about your recent visit...
1.Thinking about the service we provide, overall, how was your experience of our service?
2.Please tell us anything that was particularly good
3.Please tell us about anything that we could have done better
4.I am treated with respect and dignity.
About you
5.Do you or the person you are providing feedback for identify themselves as having special educational needs and/or disabilities?
6.We run regular service user engagement events and focus groups and use patient stories to help improve our services. You would not need to leave home; you can connect using your mobile phone, computer or laptop. Would you like to be contacted about these opportunities? If you would like to be contacted please leave your contact details below.
7.The service may wish to contact you for some more information about your experience with the service. If you are happy to be contacted please choose Yes. If you do not consent to being contacted please choose option No.
8.Please include your contact details:
We would be very grateful if you could answer some questions about you. You may wonder why we ask personal questions, or fear that your answers could affect your care in a negative way; in fact, the more you tell us about you, the better we can understand your needs. We can then give you care and treatment in the best way for you as an individual. Responding to these questions is entirely voluntary and any information provided will remain anonymous and treated in the strictest confidence.
9.Are you happy to answer some additional questions?
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